Newspapers in Education . She was visiting the Goodwins on April 27, 2011, when tornadoes hit her mother
The confirmed tornado that hit in Pickens County hit Coker at 4:50 p.m. and Samantha around 5 p.m., according to the National Weather Service.
Dear Tom, The tornado that hit newspaper article tornado hits Joplin, Mo., has faded from the news. What was the final death toll, and how does that tornado rank among deadly .
Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency for the Joplin area shortly after the tornado hit, and ordered Missouri National Guard troops to the city. By May 23, Missouri .
The priest was living at St. Michael's Retired Priest Residence, which was damaged by the apparent tornado. The storm hit as workers were beginning to leave for .
Tornado-hit Missouri town calls for improved warning systems. Authorities urged to do more to get people out of harm's way as new violent storm forecasted
Thunderstorms and severe winds slammed the South Wednesday and created an estimated mile-wide tornado that hit Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Ala.
Jill Gould of Uxbridge, Ont., was at a motel when the tornado hit. "I've never seen . Today I was reading the local newspapers - The News-Press and[. ] By: ruler | Comments
Newspapers in Education; Carrier Application; Subscriber Services; Purchase Photos . The lead time before the tornado hit was about 20 minutes. Mike Griffith, a .
4/27/2011 2:40:00 PM Tornado hits northwest Philadelphia . Article comment by: Roy Slater Tornadoes are super scary. I newspaper article tornado hits guess it goes to say that we all need to .
. by the storms, spokeswoman Andrea Huguely told the Dallas Morning News newspaper. . visiting her sister at the Green Oaks nursing home in Arlington
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